“The minutes of all meetings convened by the trustees must be recorded, but the extent of the information recorded is determined by the board. For example, some districts only record motions while others also record the discussion. In any case, the minutes should be brought to the next meeting for any corrections and then signed by the chair as correct. The minutes then form a part of the historical record of the improvement district must be kept safe by the corporate officer. Copies can be made available to the trustees and the public upon request. In-camera minutes are not available to the general public.”
Excerpted from the Improvement District Manual
The board makes every attempt to ensure the minutes reflect the information presented at meetings but not everything can be included in the minutes. Starting from the January 8, 2024, Court of Revision, all board meetings will be video recorded and made available for those interested. These recordings can be accessed at: http://sustainabletwinlakesbc.ca/video-recording-minutes/