LNID Board Trustee Meeting Agenda
February 23, 2025
10 am
Zoom Meeting
- Move that “LNID Tax Bylaw #62 – A Bylaw to Amend Tax Bylaw #60” be passed in three readings at today’s meeting.
- First Reading: It is moved that “LNID Tax Bylaw #62 – A Bylaw to Amend Tax Bylaw #60” be passed. Tax Bylaw is amended to include: Group 2: tax of $2450.00.
- Second Reading: It is moved that “LNID Tax Bylaw #62 – A Bylaw to Amend Tax Bylaw #60” be passed. Tax Bylaw is amended to include: Group 2: tax of $2450.00.
- Third Reading: It is moved that “LNID Tax Bylaw #62 – A Bylaw to Amend Tax Bylaw #60” be passed. Tax Bylaw is amended to include: Group 2: tax of $2450.00.